Everyone is looking to save money these days, and auto insurance is one of the most common expenses people shop around for in order to reduce costs. There are some great ways to save money on your auto insurance, and the good news is you may not even need to switch insurance companies to save money—nor should you have to give up any of your coverage. Here are some of the easiest and most common methods of saving money on your auto insurance.
What Are Your Deductibles?
The deductible is the amount that you would have to pay out of pocket in the event of certain types of claims. Most people opt for low deductibles so that they won’t be responsible for coming up with much cash. This isn’t always the smartest way to go, however. Higher deductibles can save you a lot of money in the long run, even if you do wind up having a claim in which you have to pay that amount.
If you are a good driver, the odds of having an at-fault accident are relatively low. If increasing your deductible saves you hundreds of dollars a year, you won’t have to go many years without an accident before you have already saved more than enough to cover that increase in the deductible.
Are You Getting All The Available Discounts?
One of the things many people don’t consider when shopping around for car insurance is shopping for homeowner’s insurance at the same time. Why should you do this? Most companies offer a hefty discount on both policies when they insure your home and auto together. Check if your current auto insurance company offers homeowner’s as well, and you might not even have to bother shopping around. In addition to the savings, you will also have the convenience of everything being in one place.
There are other discounts you may be missing out on as well! Be sure to check regularly with your agent or insurance company to find out if all the discounts you qualify for are being applied to your policy.
Are Your Cars Rated Correctly?
Auto insurance rates are calculated based on a number of factors, including the number of miles you drive each day. If you are a stay at home parent but your car is being rated as a commuter vehicle, you could be paying too much. If you have changed jobs and now commute only five miles each day rather than 30 miles, your yearly average will drop, which could have an effect on your rates. Be sure to advise your agent when changes in your driving habits occur! You could be reaping the benefits.